Mrs. Wilson's History Festivus

United States History II

World War II map of Europe


Label the following on the  “Map of Europe 1942”

  1. Color the Axis countries red: Germany, Italy, Prussia and the legend
  2. Draw a swastika over the capital of Germany
  3. Color the following Allied countries green: Great Britain, Soviet Union (eastern part) and the legend
  4. Color the following neutral countries yellow: Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey and the legend
  5. Color the following countries occupied by Nazi Germany orange: Austria Czechoslovakia, Sudetenland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Soviet Union (western part), Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Rhineland, France, Africa and legend
  6. In the same color as the Axis countries draw an arrow pointing east and label Japan
  7. In the same color as the Allied countries draw an arrow pointing west and label the United States
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